(1)一般義﹕要求償還﹐因為借方未能遵守貸款條件而要求償還由附屬擔保品擔保的一筆貸款。 (2)投資義﹕繳款通知書﹐要求支付已經認購的的債券或股票價格的一筆分期付款。 (3)債券業義﹕收兌權﹐在已發行的債券到期之前收兌債券的權力。所有在其契約中含有提前收兌條款的債券發行﹐它的計劃書中都規定了發行者可以收兌的最早日期。 (4)期權義﹕指買入期權。在一個固定日期之前以規定的價格購買一定數量股票的權力。即按一定價格和期限承購股票的權利。
(1) General meaning: demand repayment, since failure to comply with the borrower to repay the loan conditions and requirements for collateral secured by the subsidiary's loan. (2) Investment justice: the payment notice has been required to pay the subscription of bonds or stock price installment. (3) bond industry meaning: Redemption right, before the maturity of the issued bonds redemption power. All contain early redemption of bonds in terms of its contract, its plans in the book are provided for the earliest release date could Redemption. (4) Option Meaning: refers to the call option. At a predetermined price of power purchase a certain number of shares before a fixed date. That is according to a certain price and terms of the stock acquisition rights.