(1)一般義﹕代表其委託人與第三方制定合同的人。 (2)一般義﹕代表財產和責任保險的購買者﹐並在安排顧客要求的償付中與其他代理人或公司打交道的專家。經紀人由其從事活動的一個或幾個州頒發許可證方能營業。 (3)一般義﹕經州政府許可﹐在買賣交易中充當中間人的個人。 (4)投資義﹕處理買賣證券和商品指令﹐並為此拿到佣金的股票交易所或其他交易所成員。
(1) general sense: to represent their clients contract with third parties to develop people. (2) general meaning: property and liability insurance on behalf of buyers and arrange for an expert customer requirements to pay with other agents or companies dealing. By brokers engaged in the activities of one or several state licensing operation only. (3) general sense: by state licensed individuals to act as an intermediary in the sale transaction. (4) Investment justice: the sale of securities and commodities handling instructions, and to this end to get stock exchange or other exchange members of the commission.