balanced fund
平衡型基金介於成長型與收益型之間,即將資金分散投資於債券與證券上,以求得資本成長與收益分配間的平衡。 指同時投資的公司股票及有息證券的互惠基金。平衡基金旨在同時取得入息和資本增值,其風險通常較股票基金為低。平衡基金又稱均衡基金是 一種互惠基金,其投資政策乃令其投資組合保持均衡,一般包括不同比例的債券及股份,該比例乃受基金的投資前景影響. 此種基金通常會限定債券的持有比例不得低於某一百分比(例如百分之二十至百分之五十),此部份投資可滋生定期利息收入,剩餘部份投資股票用以追求資本利得。投資標的包括債券、普通股與特別股,主要以追求長期成長、有穩定收益與安全三者兼具為目標。此類型基金特性在於資本利得部份較少,但卻有較多與穩定的股利與利息收益。
Fund balance between growth and income-producing, will distribute funds invested in bonds and securities, in order to strike a balance between capital growth and income distribution is. The company refers to equity mutual funds and interest-bearing securities. The Fund aims to achieve balance while income and capital appreciation, which is usually more risk equity funds is low. Balanced funds, also known as a balanced fund is a mutual fund, its investment policy to maintain a balanced Nailing its portfolio, generally include different proportions of bonds and shares, the ratio is affected by the investment prospects of the Fund. Such funds are usually limited to holding bonds there shall be no lower than a certain percentage (for example 20% to 50%), the majority of this investment could breed on a regular basis as interest income, the remaining part of investing in stocks for the pursuit of capital gains. Investment targets including bonds, common shares and special shares, mainly in the pursuit of long-term growth, a stable income and security in both the three targets. This type of fund is less characteristic in that part of the capital gains, but there are more and stable dividend and interest income.