back-end loan fund
一種在投資人賣出持股時,收取4%至6%之間不等的手續費之共同基金。部份贖回收費之共同基金會設定一特定期限,如在一年內賣出持股時,將收取全額的佣金。贖回收費的正式名稱為附帶延遲銷售費用,簡稱為CDSC,英文名為 “contingent deferred sales charge”。
A When investors sell shares, charged ranged between 4-6% of mutual fund fees. Most mutual funds charge redemption of setting a specified period, such as when to sell shares within a year, you will be charged the full commission. The official name of the redemption fee for sales expenses incidental delay, referred to as CDSC, the English called "contingent deferred sales charge".