back door listing
借殼上市指通過“走後門”的捷徑在股票交易所上市。 一家公司若按“走前門”(正規途徑)的方式申請在股票交易所上市,需要花費相當的人力、物力和時間,諸如聘請會計師審核帳目、物色投資銀行安排上市細則並包銷新發行的股票等等。相對而言,“借殼上市”就要簡單多了。這些想上市的公司先在股市內物色一家“殼公司”。這家殼公司通常屬於蚊型股,其資產和營業額都很少、公司內部結構也較簡單。借殼上市的公司通過收購其全部或大多數股份而搖身一變成為上市公司,合法披上上市公司的外衣。接著,便改組殼公司,如重組董事會、撤換高級職員、改變經營方針等。該公司也可能將其資產轉入殼公司名下,同時增加股本;亦有可能改換殼公司的名稱。於是,這家公司借了其他公司的軀殼,成為一家上市公司,以全新面目出現。
Backdoor listing refers to the "back door" of the shortcut listed on the stock exchange. If a company press the "front door to go" (regular way) way to apply for listing on the stock exchange, it takes considerable human, material and time, such as hiring accountants audited accounts, to identify investment bank listed on the market conditions and underwriting of new shares issued and many more. In contrast, the "backdoor listing" would much simpler. These companies want to market to look for a "shell company" in the stock market. This type of mosquito belonging to the shell company generally shares, assets and turnover are small, internal structure is relatively simple. Backdoor listing the company through the acquisition of all or most of the shares and transformed into a public company, listed companies legally put on the cloak. Then, it reorganized shell companies, such as the reorganization of the Board, to replace officers, change management policy and so on. The company may also use its assets transferred to the shell company name, while increasing the share capital; also shedding may change the company's name. Thus, the company borrowed other shell companies, became a public company, with a new guise.