法院發出的執行令或傳訊令;類似記名匯票的委託付款憑證─即經收款人背書可以轉讓第三者;一種合同,債權人憑此授權債務人將一筆款或產權憑證轉給第三者(稱為受轉讓人),這筆款或產權憑證是債權人(稱轉讓人) 原來應自己向債務人索取的;將財物轉讓給受轉讓人的轉讓契約。
Executive Order issued by a court or summons; commissioned a similar bill in secret ─ namely proof of payment by a third party payee endorsement sale; a contractual creditor by virtue of the authorization the debtor a sum of money or property transferred to a third party certificate (called to the transferee), this money or property certificate is a creditor (called the assignor) should own the original to the debtor requested; the property will be transferred to the transfer deed by the assignor.