套匯交易 、套利、套戥
套利是投資人在市場上,須使用自有資金且不必承擔任何風險的情況下,藉由同時買進並賣出金融商品而獲取報酬之行為。套利的類型又包括同時買進及賣出不同交割月份的同一商品,或在不同交易所買進及賣出同樣交割月份的同一商品,或在現貨市場及期貨市場同時買進及賣出同一商品。套匯則有調整各地匯率,使其趨於平衡,並促進各地區外匯供需均衡的功能。簡而言之﹐套匯是 指同一證券於多個市場進行買賣,賺取差價作為利潤。
Arbitrage is to invest in the market, to use its own funds and not have to bear any risk situation, by simultaneously buying and selling financial instruments acquired behavior remuneration. Arbitrage type also includes simultaneously buy and sell the same product in different delivery months, or buy and sell the same delivery month of the same commodity in different exchanges, or in the spot market and the futures market to buy and sell the same product at the same time . Arbitrage is to adjust the exchange rate around, it tends to balance supply and demand of foreign exchange and promote the regional balance function. In short, arbitrage is referring to the same securities traded on multiple markets, pocketing the difference as profit.