approved debt securities
指香港特區政府為外匯基金的帳戶發行的外匯基金票據或債券、美國政府發行的國庫券或國庫票據(不包括美國國庫可贖回信託本金(US Treasury Callable?Corpus)及離拆單售債券本息票(Separate Trading of Registered Interest and?Principal of Securities),及期交所可能不時核准作為保證金交易補倉之用的其他債務證券或工具。
Means the Exchange Fund Bills and bonds HKSAR Government to issue the account of the Exchange Fund, the US government issued treasury bills or treasury bills (not including the US Treasury redeemable principal of the trust (US Treasury Callable Corpus) and from the demolition of a single ticket sale STRIPS (Separate trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities), may from time to time and approved by the Board of Trade or other debt instruments as securities margin trading margin of use.