買賣交易價格(或價值)上漲。 指資產的價值成長,與折舊,Depreciation恰恰相反。買賣交易價格(或價值)上漲。估價,公平的估值;股票的價值上升或在增付保險費時以人壽保險單抵押;因通貨膨脹的影響導致物價普遍上漲;因供應短缺導致財產價值的臨時性或半永久性上漲。
Sale transaction price (or value) to rise. It refers to the value of growth of assets, depreciation, Depreciation contrary. Sale transaction price (or value) to rise. Valuation, fair valuation; value of the stock rises or life insurance policy to pay the mortgage at the time of increasing premiums; due to the effects of inflation lead to general rise in prices; property values due to supply shortages cause temporary or semi-permanent rise.