advance-decline line (ADL)
是一種大盤盤面的衡量方法。此線是在一個設定期限中,由上漲股票數量減去下跌股票數量所計算出來的。當上漲股數超過下跌股數時,此股價漲跌線就會呈向上趨勢。反之,如果大多數股票均下跌,則此線就會呈向下趨勢。這基本的算法應該根據類似的歷史做稍稍調整。例如,如果有6000支股票上漲而有4000支股票下跌,那麼此比率將會是 (6000-4000)/10,000,相當於 0.20。然後累積每週的比率值。如果沒有做調整,那麼這漲跌線就會呈現出多頭走勢,因為長期來說,交易的股數有增加。當漲跌線經過調整後呈現出向上趨勢,那麼股市處於牛市的機率就增加。如果調整後漲跌線呈向下趨勢,那麼空頭走向的機率就大增。漲跌線在目前漲跌率高於過去52週漲跌率時會呈現出向上趨勢。而在目前漲跌率低於過去52週漲跌率時,漲跌線會呈向下趨勢。
It is a broader measure of the disk. This line is in a set period, the rise in the number of shares by a decline in the number of shares calculated by subtracting out. When the number of rising stocks fell more than the number of shares, this price change will show uptrend line. Conversely, if the majority of stocks fell, then this line will be a downward trend. This basic algorithm should be slightly adjusted according to a similar history. For example, if you have 6000 shares rose while 4000 shares declined, then the ratio will be (6000-4000) / 10,000, equivalent to 0.20. Then the cumulative weekly rate value. If you do not make adjustments, then it will be showing a long line ups and downs of the trend, because in the long run, increase the number of shares traded. When the line ups and downs after adjustment showing upward trend, then the chances of the stock market in a bull market increases. If the line was adjusted downward trend ups and downs, it will increase the chances of a short strike. Change the line ups and downs in the current high rate of ups and downs in the past 52 weeks will show when the uptrend. The ups and downs at the current rate is less than the rate of ups and downs over the past 52 weeks, the line ups and downs will be a downward trend.