信託 一種文據,將財產擁有權轉入一位受託人名下,受託人代為管理這些財產,以供某指定人士使用 .是一個法定主體,透過此一主體,閣下可將資產所有權轉移給信託受益人(通常是配偶或子女),而又不致失去資產控制權。閣下亦可當該信託的受託人,換言之,閣下可管理有關資產、分配權益、申報稅收及確保所有信託條款的履行。
Trust a genre according to the ownership of property transferred to the name of a trustee, the trustee on behalf of the management of these assets to use for a particular person. Is a statutory body, through this body, you can benefit from the ownership of assets transferred to the Trust person (usually a spouse or child), but without losing control of the assets. It may also serve as a trustee of the trust, in other words, you can manage the assets, equity allocation, tax reporting, and ensure compliance with all terms of the trust.