tender offer
購併公司(Acquiring Firm)不管有無徵得目標公司(Target Firm)的同意,主動出價向目標公司的股東收購其股票以取得目標公司的控制權。管理當局以舉債的方式自金融機構處取得一筆資金,再運用這筆資金,直接向股東出價收購股票,這就是所謂的股票收購。
Company acquisitions (Acquiring Firm) with or without the consent of the target company (Target Firm) consent unsolicited bid to shareholders of the target company's acquisition of its shares to acquire control over the target company. Management authorities of debt acquired from financial institutions at a sum of money, and then use your money to bid directly to shareholders to acquire stock, which is called the stock acquisition.