stripped bonds and stripped coupons
指息票取消後的債券,也稱 (零息票債券)(Zero-coupon bonds)-被拆卸的是息票本身。由於事實上並不付利息(只在期滿時按面值兌現),拆卸債券是以折扣出售的。至於折扣的程度則視乎現行利率與距離期滿的時間而定。
Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time. Refers to the bond coupon is canceled, also known (zero-coupon bonds) (Zero-coupon bonds) - is to be demolished coupon itself. Due to the fact it does not pay interest (only cash at par upon expiration), demolition bonds sold at a discount. As for the extent of the discount depends on the distance to the expiration of the current interest rate depending on the time.