strategic alliance
策略聯盟是產業間一項結合方式,業者為自行開發新產品、引進新技術、增資及行 銷通路的拓展,而結合彼此具有互補性及關聯性的業者,藉著分擔成本與 風險,以提高企業體本身競爭優勢。策略聯盟具有分散風險,集中力量及增強競爭力的效果,業者在互利、互惠原則下,可使公司成長朝向多角化與國際化發展。
Strategic Alliance is an inter-industry a binding way, the industry is self-developed new products, the introduction of expansion of new technologies, capital and marketing channels, and combined with each other industry complementary and relevance, through the sharing of costs and risks, in order to improve business itself a competitive advantage. Strategic alliance with dispersing risk, focus and enhance the competitiveness of the effect of the industry in mutual benefit, reciprocity principle, allow the company to grow toward diversification and international development.