stop order
當市場價格達到委託人指定之價位時,此委託單便立即變成市價單,一般通常於平倉時使用,以減少損失,亦可用於建立新的部位。停損買單之價格必須設在當時市場價格之上。停損賣單之價格必須設在當時市場價格之下。投資人在股票到達某一指定的停損價格( Stop Price )時買進或賣出的委託。 當市價觸及指定價位,此委託單即成為市價單委託,分為以下兩種: 一、買進停損單(Buy Stop Order):其指定價位須高於市價。 二、賣出停損單(Sell Stop Order):其指定價位須低於市價。 此種訂單主
When the market price reaches the price specified by the client, this Order will immediately become market orders, generally commonly used at the time of closing, in order to reduce losses, can be used to create a new site. Stop paying the price must be set above the current market price. Stop-loss sell orders at a price must be located below the prevailing market price. Investors buy or sell when the stock reaches a certain price specified stop-loss (Stop Price) delegate. When the price touches the specified price, the orders become market orders the commission, divided into the following two categories: First, buy stop-loss orders (Buy Stop Order): its specified price to be more than the market price. Second, the sell stop-loss orders (Sell Stop Order): its specified price must be below the market price. Such orders main