stock split
The so-called split, a share is split into a number of shares. But the value of the shares and therefore is not directly raised or lowered. When the company's stock price rose too high, usually when a company's stock split will it become two shares, two becomes three, four or five variants and so on. As a result, the total number of shares of stock in a single amount but more than face value, but smaller. If the share price rises to a high level when, as will be required to purchase a large amount of time, resulting in relatively Shaorenwenjin. Stock liquidity will therefore be reduced. With the rise in the share price will naturally decrease. On the contrary, after the stock split, reducing the share price, the buyers and sellers of the shares, the more the greater the liquidity of the shares, the share price growth prospects better. Therefore, some high-priced shares of stock frequently square cut, in order to provoke more investors.