The company disclosed in the manner described, it will cause content and business purposes, introduced to the general public in order to raise needed operating funds. When financing issue investors (shareholders) a certificate or ticket, specifying the number of shares investors (shareholders) have, that the stock. Stock is a certificate in recognition of contribution of a shareholder to participate in the ownership of a company, the shareholders of the company so you can share the operating results of the company dividends and bonuses or participate in the distribution of surplus property upon dissolution; since each company profitability can not immutable, the stock reaction the price will also result in changes, in addition to investing in stocks investors expected future dividend income, but also the stock is expected to make the difference in the holding period (ie capital gains). When a limited company, there is a certain amount of business development and feel the need or if possible, they can issue shares to raise more funds, and may apply for exchange-listed to the stock to be traded. Purchase shares or companies, it naturally becomes a shareholder of the company's issued shares.