Standard and Poor’s 500
指紐約證券交易所最大、交投最活躍的五百種股票的指數,它能為整體美國股市的暢旺程度提供一個指標。標準普爾五百指數的覆蓋範圍較道瓊斯工業平均指數廣,更能精確反映市況。包括四百種工業股、四十種公用事業股、二十種交通事業股、以及四十種銀行股和保險股。 指紐約證券交易所最大、交投最活躍的五百種股票的指數,它能為整體美國股市的暢旺程度提供一個指標。標準普爾五百指數的覆蓋範圍較杜瓊斯工業平均指數更廣,更能精確反映市況。
It means the New York Stock Exchange the largest, most actively traded five hundred kinds of stock index, which provides an indication of the extent of the overall US stock market buoyant. Standard & Poor's index of five hundred coverage than the broad Dow Jones Industrial Average, more accurately reflect market conditions. Including four hundred kinds of industrial stocks, forty kinds of utility stocks, shares of twenty kinds of transport services, as well as forty kinds of banking and insurance stocks. It means the New York Stock Exchange the largest, most actively traded five hundred kinds of stock index, which provides an indication of the extent of the overall US stock market buoyant. Coverage & P five hundred index than the Dow Jones Industrial Average broader, more accurately reflect market conditions.