short sell
Short Sale賣空又稱為 Short Selling,在證券市場,指投資人預測證券價即將下跌,或是欲從事證券裁定,先拋售此種證券,並以借得的股票或訂定再賣回協議如期辦理交割,再俟適當時機補進,所獲得利潤將足夠補償開支的一種行為。售出借來的股票,一般會期望在將來某一個時間用一個更低的價位將股票買回來還給原股票持有 人,放空交易只能以放空帳戶(Short Account)進行,如價位反相不斷高漲,則所借來的股票亦有可能被限期歸還而必須在市場上買回。
Short Sale Short, also known as Short Selling, in the stock market, investors predict stock price means coming down, or wishing to engage in securities ruling, the first to sell such securities, and to borrow shares and then sell or set back the agreement on schedule apply for settlement, then as soon as the right time to make progress, an act of profits obtained sufficient compensation expenses. Sold borrowed stock, usually expect a certain time in the future, with a lower price to buy back their shares back to the original holders of the stock, the transaction can only vent to vent account (Short Account) conduct, such as price-inverting rising, then the borrowed shares may also be the deadline to return must be bought in the market.