short position
投資者對證券價格前景看淡,在現價售出,以預期證券價格在將來下跌時,再回購獲利。 Short Position指某人出售尚未擁有的股份時的情況。這些股份通常從經紀借入以交予買方,然後再購入以歸還給經紀。賣方通常會在認為市場價格看跌時運用這種技巧.
Investors Securities bearish outlook for prices in the sale price to the expected future price of securities at the time of fall, repurchase profit. Short Position refers to the situation a person to sell the shares not already owned when. These shares are usually borrowed from a broker handed over to the buyer, and then returned to the broker to purchase. The seller will usually use this technique when you think the market bearish.