settlement price
結算價(Settlement Price):期貨交易收盤後,所訂定的結算價格,以便結算會員公司進行逐日結算。每日交易結束後由交易所公佈之以作為逐日結算的價格,一般而言結算價格並不一定等於當日的收盤價 。期貨交易收盤後,所訂定的結算價格,以便結算會員公司進行逐日結算。
Settlement price (Settlement Price): After the close of futures trading, as set by the settlement price for clearing member firms daily settlement. After the end of the day the deal was announced by the Exchange as the daily settlement price, in general settlement price does not necessarily equal to the closing price the day. After the close of futures trading, as set by the settlement price for clearing member firms daily settlement.