sell to open
賣出買權/賣權,當要賣出選擇權時,須採此交易行動,即以賣出選擇權的方式來開啟選擇權合約。選擇權包括買權和賣權,因此當投資人要賣出買權 (Sell Call) 或是賣出賣權 (Sell Put) 時,須採用賣出選擇權的交易行動。若此掛單成交,可獲得權利金。
Sell the right to buy / sell the right to choose when to sell temporary, action shall be taken of this transaction, that is to sell the right to choose the way to open the option contract. Including the right to choose and the right to buy the right to sell, so when investors want to buy the right to sell (Sell Call) or sell the right to sell (Sell Put), the put option shall be trading action. If this clinch a deal, get the premium.