證券是一種憑證,一種表示財產權的憑據,而有價證券便是指在證券上所表明的價值是可以用金錢估計而兌現成現金的一種票據。 所謂證券是【有價證券】的簡稱,在證券市場交易的有價證券通常包括股票、公債和公司債。因此,股票不是等於證券,只是有價證券的一種罷了。雖然法律上規定,公司可以發行無記名的股票,但是在國內證券市場上流通的,幾乎都是記名股票。記名股票必須由賣出人蓋章背書出讓後,才能持有。
Securities is a certificate, a representation of the credentials property, and refers in securities is securities indicated value can be estimated in money into cash and cash a ticket. The so-called securities are securities] [abbreviation securities traded in the securities market generally, including stocks, bonds and corporate bonds. Therefore, the stock is not equal to the securities, only a securities Bale. Although the provisions of the law, the company may issue bearer shares, but in circulation in the domestic stock market, almost all bearer shares. Bearer shares must be sealed by the person selling endorsement to sell before they can hold.