搶帽子是股市上的一種投機性行為。如果投資人看漲,即先買進再賣出; 如果看跌,就先賣出再買進。在股市上,投機者當天先低價購進預計股價要上漲的股票,然後待股價上漲到某一價位時,當天再賣出所買進的股票,以獲取差額利潤。或者在當天先賣出手中持有的預計要下跌的股票,然後待股價下跌至某一價位時,再以低價買進所賣出的股票,從而獲取差額利潤。
Scalper is a speculative behavior on the stock market. If investors bullish, which is to buy and then sell; if put on the first to sell and buy. In the stock market, the first day of speculators buying cheap shares are expected to rise in the stock, and then wait for the stock to rise to a certain price, and then sell the same day to buy shares in order to obtain the difference between profits. Or the day before to sell their holdings of stocks expected to fall, then fell to be when certain price, and then sold at low prices to buy the shares, thereby obtaining the difference between a profit.