retail investor
Buying and selling stocks is a small number of small investors. Refers to the amount of the retail sale of small, unorganized investors, that is natural in the brokerage account trading in individual stocks. Retail characteristics, in this [scattered] word, each investment strategy, stock selection criteria. And because the stock market compared with foreign countries, low stability, ups and downs, with the majority of individual investors lack the necessary investments long knowledge and technology, no organization, so retail investors out of the stock market with a lot of it through the grapevine, the printing stock market Publications the various analyzes, or follow the large, hand-made dynamic. A high proportion of retail investors, the stock market it is easy to shocks, instability, coupled with stock market speculation atmosphere, investors accustomed to do short-term stock market risk is relatively increased, so have the shares of the sea drifting retail ﹝ ﹞ argument.