repurchase agreement
回購協議 (Repurchase Agreement) 買賣雙方以協議的價錢在協議日期購回已售出的證券協定。 Repurchas Agreement 附買回協議 ,指賣出證券同時,約定在一定的期間,以特定價格買回證券。附條件交易為票、債券交易在成交時就有附加條款,明定一定期間以後,由交易商按既定的價格買回或賣回。因標的債票券的暫時交付或取得, 附條件交易可再區分為附買回及附賣回交易兩種。附買回交易是由交易商提供債票券,換取客戶的資金,再約定一定期間由交易商買回,因此具有融資性質。至於附賣回交易是由交易商提
Repo (Repurchase Agreement) buyers and sellers to price agreement on the date of the agreement to repurchase agreements Securities sold. Repurchas Agreement repurchase agreement, referring to sell securities at the same time, he agreed in a certain period to buy back the securities at a specified price. Conditional transaction, bonds traded in a transaction when there are additional provisions, set out after a certain period, by the dealer according to the established price to buy back or sell back. Due to a temporary delivery or obtain ticket underlying obligation, the conditions attached to the transaction can be further divided into repo transactions and sell it back attached two kinds. Repo transactions is provided by the dealer debt promissory notes in exchange for the customer's money, then buy a certain period agreed by the dealer, therefore a financing nature. As attached to sell back transactions are provided by the dealer