related party
“關連人士”(connected person)就一家公司來說,指:(a)直接或間接實益擁有該公司普通股本的20%或以上的人士或公司,或能夠直接或間接地行使該公司總投票權的20%或以上的人士或公司;或(b)符合(a)款所述其中一項或全部兩項規定的人士或公司所控制的人士或公司;或(c)任何與該公司同屬一個集團的成員;或(d)任何在(a)、(b)或(c)款所界定的公司及該公司的關連人士的董事或高級人員。參閱《單位信託及互惠基金守則》第3.5段
Connected person (connected person) to a company, means: (a) direct or indirect beneficial ownership of the company's ordinary share capital of 20% or more persons or companies, or to exercise the total voting rights of the company, directly or indirectly, 20% or more of the person or company; or (b) in line with the person or company (a) of one or all of the persons or companies controlled by two provisions; or (c) any belong to the company director or officer of the company or (d) any (a), (b) or (c), as defined by the company and connected persons; members of a group. See paragraph 3.5 "Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds."