rate of return
收期率 (Rate of Return) 計算投資收益比對本金之百分比率。 淨資產收益率是淨利潤與淨資產的比值(在具體計算時有加權平均法和全面攤薄法兩種方法.淨資產由四個部分組成:股本(實收資本),資本公積,盈余公積,未分配利潤。每股收益)Earning per share簡稱EPS)和淨資產收益率(ROE),是投資者評價上市公司盈利能力和預測投資報酬的重要財務指標。
Rate of income (Rate of Return) calculation of the percentage rate of return on investment than the principal amount. ROE is the ratio of net profit and net assets (There are two ways fully diluted weighted average method and the specific method to calculate the net asset consists of four parts: equity (paid-in capital), capital reserve, surplus public accumulated retained earnings. earnings per share) Earning per share referred EPS) and return on equity (ROE), investors evaluate the company's profitability and return on investment forecast of key financial indicators listed.