共同基金必須提供給投資人(或準投資人)的正式文件。公開說明書應指明基金的經理公司是那一家,說明基金的投資目標與策略,並評估可能的風險,有關的費用、買賣方式及配息配利辦法也可以在公開說明書中找到。 指在投資者購買互惠基金或若干其他投資前必須提供予投資者的一份文件。說明書內會說明所出售的產品、投資目標、過去表現、管理、潛在風險、稅務考慮、費用及其他資料,以協助閣下作出明智的決定。
Mutual funds must be provided to investors (or potential investors) an official document. The prospectus shall indicate that the fund manager is a company, that investment objectives and strategies of the Fund and assess possible risks, the costs related to the sale of coupon distribution methods and ways benefits can also be found in the prospectus. Means must be provided to investors to buy a paper before investors mutual funds or certain other investments. It will be described in the specification of the products sold, investment objectives, past performance, management, potential risks, tax considerations, fees and other information to help you make an informed decision.