price-earning ratio
又稱為市盈率,簡稱P/E RATIO。股票每股的股價除以過去12個月的每股盈餘(或下一年的預估)所得的比值。本益比可以顯示股票在市中是不是搶手,也可以反應公司的獲利能力並作為評量合理價位的工具。顧名思義,就是股票的市值与每股盈利的比率。例如,某公司的市價為5元,若其每股盈利為0.50元,則其市盈率為10。市盈率通常被股民認作是股市中的“信心指標”。 一家公司的市盈率會隨時浮動。市盈率的浮動,可以反映出投資者對各類股票的預期盈利增長的判斷与信心。上升代表盈利增幅大,前景看好;反之,則是預期盈利增長放緩或退
Also known as the price-earnings ratio, referred to as the P / E RATIO. Per share divided by the share price over the past 12 months earnings per share (or next year's estimate) ratio obtained. PE can be displayed in the stock market is not sought, the reaction can also be the company's profitability and reasonable price as assessment tools. As the name suggests, is the stock market value and earnings per share ratio. For example, a company's market value is $ 5, if its earnings per share were 0.50 yuan, its price-earnings ratio of 10. PE investors are generally recognized as the stock market in the "confidence index." A company's earnings are subject to fluctuations. Floating earnings, reflects investor expectations for earnings growth of various types of stocks judgment and confidence. On behalf of a large rise in earnings growth, prospects; on the contrary, it is the expected slowdown in earnings growth or retreat