這是一種在香港常見的股份上市方法。以這種方法來發行股票的公司﹐他們不會把股票直接地發售與公眾﹐而是以間接的形式。通常公司會以一個固定價格把股票分配給不同的經紀行﹐經紀行職員便會把發行公司的詳細資料和招股章程派發給他們的客戶﹐有興趣的投資客戶便可透過經紀行認購股票。 配售的具體方法很多﹐最常見的是所有的交易所會員經紀均可獲得一定數目的股份﹐其余的新股便按照每個經紀的生意額比例來分配。客戶較多的經紀擁有較多的股份以滿足客戶需求。 採用股票配售上市﹐最有利的因素是可以增加股份上市的速度﹐以及避免超額認購。 配
This is a common method of shares listed in Hong Kong. In this way the company to issue shares, they will not put the stock for sale directly to the public, but in an indirect form. Companies often at a fixed price of the shares allocated to different brokerage firms, brokerage houses will staff the details of the issuing company and the prospectus distributed to their customers, interested investors and customers can subscribe for shares through brokers. Placing specific methods, the most common is that all members of the Exchange broker can get a certain number of shares, the remaining shares will be in accordance with the proportion of the turnover of each broker to distribute. Brokers have more customers more of the shares in order to meet customer needs. Using a placement market, the most favorable factors can increase the speed of the shares listed and to avoid over-subscribed. Match