permanent life insurance of whole life
以固定保費為閣下提供終身保障的人壽保險。保單的現金價值會隨時間而增長,閣下可向現金價值進行借貸,但不能提取現金價值之全數,除非取消保單。Permanent Life Insurance永久人壽保險 一種人壽保險保障,保單持有人一般於受保人有生之年每年支付一筆保費.
Provide lifelong protection at a fixed premium for your life insurance. The cash value of the policy will grow over time, you can borrow the cash value, but can not extract the full cash value, unless cancel the policy. Permanent Life Insurance Permanent life insurance one kind of life insurance protection for policy holders generally insured pay a premium each year lifetime.