pay day/ex-dividend day/record day
當投資者選擇投資於某一隻股票時,其中一個考慮因素,是所投資的股票會否派發股息或紅利。股息指公開發售股票的機構將賺得的盈利分發予各股東(亦即股票持有人)。通常,上市公司在派發股息前,都會預早公佈向股東派息的實際日期,亦即所謂的「派息日」(Pay Day)。而在派息的兩至三個星期,一般被界定為「登記日」(Record Day),任何在登記日當天或之前被登記為股票持有人的,均可在派息日獲分發股息。 所謂「除息日」(Ex-dividend Day),是指從當日開始購入該股票者將不會收到該期分發的股息,而除息日一般會安排在登記日之前。按一般以三個工作天(T+2)完成一般股票買賣手續,登記日會定在除息日的兩個工作天之後。因此,欲要在買入股票後趕及登記以便獲取股息,必須在購入股票時預留足夠時間辦理股票買賣手續,以趕及在登記日當天或之前登記,亦即須在除息日之前購入股票。若在除息日當天才買入股票,買賣手續往往要在登記日後一天才能辦妥,故此,買入股票者將不能獲得派息,反而己在當天沽出股票的人士,由於在之前一天即登記日曾擁有該股票,反而可獲派股息。 除息日------- 2天--------登記日------ 2至3個星期-------派息日
When investors choose to invest in a certain stock, one of the considerations is whether it will invest in the stock dividend or bonuses. Dividend means an individual public offering will earn profits distributed to shareholders (ie stockholders). Typically, a listed company before the dividend will announce the actual date Early payout to shareholders, that is the so-called "Dividend Day" (Pay Day). In the dividends of two to three weeks, generally defined as "record date" (Record Day), or any day of registration before being registered as the holder of the stock, it can be eligible for the dividend distribution date of the dividends. The so-called "ex-dividend date" (Ex-dividend Day), refers to the beginning from the date of purchase of the stock will not receive the dividend distribution period, while the ex-dividend date will normally be scheduled before the record date. Press generally three business days (T + 2) complete the general procedures for stock trading, the record date will be set two days after the ex-dividend date. So, want to rush in and buy stocks after registration in order to get the dividend, you must set aside enough time to go through the formalities in stock trading when the stock purchase, and to catch up on or before the registration day registration, that must buy shares before the ex-dividend date . If the ex-dividend day only buy stocks, trading procedures tend to be completed in order to register after day, therefore, you will not get to buy the stock dividend, but already the day people sell the stock, since that is the day before the registration Japan had owned the stock, but will receive dividends. Dividend date two days -------- ------- ------ registration day 2-3 weeks ------- Payable Date