P/E Ratio
市盈率反映市場對企業盈利的看法。市盈率越高暗示市場越看好企業盈利的前境。對於投資者來說,市盈率過低的股票會較為吸引。不過,在訊息發達的金融市場,市盈率過低的股票是十分少見。單憑市盈率來揀股是不可能的。投資者可以利用每股盈利增長率(Rate of EPS Growth),與市盈率作比較。對於一間增長企業,如果其股價是合理的話,每股盈利增長率將會與市盈率相約。公式: 市盈率 = 股價 / 每股盈利.如果企業每股盈利為5元,股價為40元,市盈率是8倍。
Earnings ratio reflects the market's view on corporate earnings. The higher the market price-earnings ratio implies more optimistic about the environment before corporate profits. For investors, the low price-earnings ratio of the stock would be more attractive. However, in the post-developed financial markets, low price-earnings ratio of the stock is very rare. PE alone to pick stocks is impossible. Investors can use the EPS growth rate (Rate of EPS Growth), with the price-earnings ratio for comparison. For a growth company if its stock price is reasonable, earnings and earnings per share growth will be similar. Formula: PE = Price / earnings per share if the company earnings per share is $ 5, $ 40 share price, price-earnings ratio is 8 times.