open position
指除下述合約以外的期貨/期權合約:(a) 任何符合以下說明的期貨/期權合約:交易所參與者就此期貨/期權合約訂立第二張期貨/期權合約,其條款與首述的期貨/期權合約相同,但:(i)其價格可能與首述的期貨/期權合約所指明的價格不同;及(ii)該交易所參與者的買賣取向與其在首述的期貨/期權合約中的相反;藉此達到鎖定在首述的期貨/期權合約中的盈利或損失的明確目的;或?(b) 依據結算所的規章,當作平倉合約的期貨/期權合約。
Means other than the following contracts futures / options contracts: (a) any futures which- / options contracts: Exchange Participants on this futures / options contracts entered into second futures / options contracts, the terms of the first-mentioned futures / options contracts the same, but: different Futures prices (i) the price might be the first-mentioned / options specified in the contract; and (ii) the exchange trading participant to its orientation in the first-mentioned futures / options contracts in on the contrary; thereby achieve the explicit purpose of the first-mentioned locking in futures / options contracts in profit or loss; or (b) in accordance with regulations of clearing house, as futures / options contracts open positions