negotiable certificates of deposit
可轉讓定期存單(Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, NCDs)簡稱定存單,指具有可轉讓性質的定期存款憑證,為銀行所簽發在特定期間按約定利率支付利息之存款憑證,期間為一個月至一年,分記名或無記名二種,此憑證可持有至到期日,或中途於貨幣市場轉讓出售
Negotiable certificates of deposit (Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, NCDs) referred to certificates of deposit, time deposit certificate means having a transfer properties, banks issued during a specific time according to the agreed rate of interest on certificates of deposit payment period of one month to one year, two kinds of points registered or bearer, this voucher can be held to maturity, or in the middle of the transfer of the money market to sell