money market fund
貨幣市場基金(Money Market Funds):一般性的貨幣市場基金係投資於高度流動性但不具任何風險的短期有價證券,如國庫券與銀行定存單,其不僅可提供投資人高度的本金保障,同時又能為投資人獲取穩定的收益。投資人也許認為自行投資即可,但基金可視個人資金狀況需要隨時贖回,若要將銀行定存提前解約,銀行可能拒付全額利息。對於想要保本,又具高度變現性與穩定經常性收益的投資人而言,此種基金頗為合適。Money Market Fund貨幣市場基金 一種主要投資於國庫券及其他低風險短期投資項目的互惠基金 .貨幣市場
Money market funds (Money Market Funds): Department of the general money market fund invested in highly liquid but without any risk of short-term securities, such as treasury bills and bank certificates of deposit, which not only provide investors a high degree of capital protection, while can get a stable income for investors. Investors might think to own investment, the Fund visible personal financial situation needs to redeem at any time, to the early termination of deposit banks, banks may refuse to pay the full interest. For people who want to protect this investment, but also a high degree of liquidity and stability in terms of recurrent income, such funds is quite appropriate. Money Market Fund Money Market Fund, a major investment in mutual funds Treasury bills and other low-risk short-term investment projects. Money Market