money market
屬于一種資本市場﹐主要進行短期債券的買賣﹐這些債券包括國庫券﹑聯邦政府發行的其他三年以內的短期債券﹑擔保投資證書(GIC) 和其他一年的短期投資之穩健證券等。一些長期投資證券﹐如果年限縮短至一年至三年以內﹐也可在票據市場交易。貨幣市場(Money Market):金融市場的一個環節,可供短期債務(例如國庫券、商業票據及銀行承兌票據)進行買賣, 從事短期有價證券工具(到期期間小於一年)交易的金融市場。Money Market Deposit Account(貨幣市場存款帳戶):簡稱MMDAs
Money market is used to cover the risk of adverse exchange rate movements. If a company expects to receive US dollars in 6 months’ time. The company has a dollar asset, the debtor, and is exposed to the risk of the US dollars weakening against the home currency during the 6 months. The money market can be used to create a matching dollar liability in order to eliminate the exchange risk on the debtor. The company should therefore borrow an appropriate amount of US$ today which be sold today at the spot rate, in exchange for home currency thereby fixing the exchange rate today and eliminating the exchange rate risk. The company then use the US$ received in 6 months time to pay off the loan.