market value added 
市場附加價值的計算方式是將「市場總值」(公司發行股票和債券總值)減去「投資資本」所得出的數值, 如果是正值, 表示這家公司的確有善用投資人的錢, 為投資人賺錢, 如果是負值, 則表示這家公司沒替投資人賺錢, 投資人看錯這家公司的賺錢能力.
Calculation of market value-added is the "market value" (the total value of stocks and bonds issued by the Company) minus "investment capital" derived value, if it is positive, indicating that the company does have the advantage of investor money for investors to make money, if it is negative, it means that the company did not make money for investors, investor wrong for this company earning power.