market order
市價委託 不指定成交價格,而依當時市場價格迅速成交。投資者指示經紀以市價即時買入或沽出股份, 入市價位並沒有限制. 市價單( Market Order ):要求經紀人以最有利的市場掛牌價格買進或賣出股票的委託。此種委託單也是最普遍被使用的。 不指定成交價格,以當時之市價進行委託,通常於場內經紀人(Floor Broker)接到買賣委託三分鐘內完成交易。投資人在下單時,以期貨市場的市場交易價格進行交易。市價委託是投資者最有把握可以成交的委託方式,但通常會得到較差的價錢。
Market order does not specify the transaction price, and according to the prevailing market price quickly traded. Investors instruct broker to buy or sell real-time market shares, the market price does not restrict a market order (Market Order):. Requirements broker with the most favorable market prices to buy or sell stocks listed on the commission. Such orders are also most commonly used. Do not specify the transaction price to the market price at that time commission, usually at floor brokers (Floor Broker) received orders with three minutes to complete the transaction. Investors next one, with the futures market traded market price. Market Order investors can be traded surest way of commission, but often get poor prices.