market on open order
此委託單限定在開盤後一段時間內(Opening Range),以市價進行委託,(通常為30秒至60秒之間,視交易所與商品而有不同),必須注意的是;此種委託單的成交價格,是在開盤區間任何一個成交價位皆有可能為成交價格。─ 開盤前十五分鐘下達的訂單,於收盤前30秒~60秒(視不同商品而訂)以市價單執行
This Order is limited to within a period of time after the opening (Opening Range), commissioned at the market, (usually between 30-60 seconds, depending on the commodity exchanges have different), it must be noted; such orders the transaction price is in the range of any opening transaction price is possible for the transaction price. ─ fifteen minutes before the opening orders placed before the closing 30 seconds to 60 seconds (depending on the product and order) to execute market orders