margin call
Margin Call 保證金追加,保證金專戶存款餘額低於規定之最低限額時,所發出的追繳保證金通知。交易所或公司要求客人提供資金以維持孖展戶口內最低結餘水平的指示。 保證金專戶存款餘額低於規定之最低限額時,所發出的追繳保證金通知。一般商品市場上,投資人簽訂期貨契約時必須提供經紀人契約金額百分之十的額外資金,稱為保證金。若價值隨市場變動而減少時,經紀人為維持固定保證金比例而追加存款,稱為保證金追加。 若帳戶淨值低於維持保證金時,期貨商必須向客戶發出追繳通知,客戶應繳足保證金至原始保證金的水準。 補倉
Margin Call Margin Call, margin account deposits below the prescribed threshold, the margin call issued. Exchange or company requires guests to provide funds to maintain the minimum balance in the margin account level indication. Margin account deposits below the prescribed minimum, the notice issued by margin calls. General merchandise market, investors must provide signed a futures contract agent contract ten percent of the amount of additional funds, known as margin. If the value decreases with changes in the market, brokers in order to maintain a fixed proportion to the additional margin deposit, called margin calls. If account equity falls below the maintenance margin, futures commission merchant must send a notice to the recovery of the client, the client should be paid to the level of initial margin deposit. Margin