保證履行期貨交易義務的資金,期貨交易人須在交易前將保證金存入期貨公司保證金帳戶中 。在一般的證券市場,除了有現金交易,客戶要把其投資證券的價值全數以現金支付外。還有一種信用交易, 客戶只須繳付一筆保證金,作為投資的承諾,便可以在證券市場買賣多於保證金價值的證券。這種交易便是保證金交易。
To ensure fulfillment of the obligations futures funds futures shall, prior to the transaction will deposit into futures companies in a margin account. The stock market in general, in addition to cash transactions, customers want the full value of its investment securities in cash outside. There is also a credit transaction, customers only have to pay a deposit, as a commitment to invest, they can deposit more than the value of securities traded in the securities market. Such trading is margin trading.