maintenance margin
期貨交易人持有期貨部位所必須維持在帳戶中的保證金最低限額。客戶保證金可劃分成兩部分,一為原始保證金,一為維持保證金。維持保證金通常是原始保證金的八成至七成。客戶保證金依契約之結算價格每日與市價對齊,當客戶保證金低於維持保證金時,客戶必須補足差額到原始保證金水準。 也就是說在建立部位後所需維持在帳戶中的最低保證金水準,帳戶淨值低於所須之維持保證金,期貨商將向客戶發出保證金追繳通知。
Futures futures held by the site must remain in your account margin threshold. Customer deposit can be divided into two parts, one for the original deposit, in order to maintain a margin. Maintenance margin is usually the initial margin of eighty percent to Qi Cheng. Customer margin by daily settlement price of the contract and the market price alignment, when a customer margin below the maintenance margin, the customer must make up the difference to the initial margin level. That is required to maintain your account in the establishment of parts of the minimum margin level, the account equity falls below the required maintenance margin, futures commission merchant it will issue a margin call.