Load 向互惠基金單位持有人收取的佣金。另請參閱銷售費用 投資人購買基金持份所付的銷售手續費或佣金。通常收費基金的費用是付給經紀人或承銷商,低佣基金(low-load funds)的手續費則滾入基金本身。一般而言,低佣基金的手續費在投資額的1~3%之間,中佣基金為3~6%,全佣基金則是6~8.5%。免佣基金不收手續費,所以通常是直接銷售給投資人(郵購、電購),不經手經紀人。
Load mutual funds to unit holders who charge a commission. See sales charges investors buy funds stakeholders paid a fee or sales commission. Fund charges fees usually are paid to a broker or underwriter fees low load funds (low-load funds) are then rolled into the fund itself. In general, low-load funds charge between 1 to 3% of the investment, the commission fund of 3 to 6%, total load funds is from 6 to 8.5%. Free-load funds do not charge fees, it is usually sold directly to investors (mail order, power purchase), do not handle the broker.