liquidity risk
Liquidity Risk 流動性風險 :因市場因素影響,參與者多為賣方或購買意願甚低,致無法出售投資標的物之風險。 因為市場因素影響,參與者多為賣方或購買意願甚低者,而無法出售的投資標的物的風險,主因是債券的次級市場不發達,同時也因中國人投資喜歡一窩蜂有關係,市場利率下跌很容易一路搶進,造成價格居高不下,有行無市,而當市場利率上漲時,又容易全面殺低,造成變現不易,所以有流動性風險。
Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk: due to market factors, the participants mostly willingness to buy the seller or very low, caused by the subject matter of venture capital can not be sold. Because market factors, participants are mostly very low willingness to buy or seller who is unable to sell the investment and the risk of the subject matter, mainly due to the secondary bond market is underdeveloped, but also because Chinese people rush to invest like a relationship, market interest rates it is easy to get into all the way down, resulting in high prices, there is no line of the city, when market interest rates rise, comprehensive and easy to kill low, resulting in cash is not easy, so there is liquidity risk.