leverage contract
槓桿保證金契約(Leverage Contract):指當事人約定,一方支付價金一定成數之款項或取得他方授與之一定信用額度,雙方於未來特定期間內,依約定方式結算差價或交付約定物之契約。指當事人約定,一方支付價金一定成數之款項或取得他方授與之一定信用額度,雙方於未來特定期間內,依約定方式結算差價或交付約定物之契約。
Leverage Margin Contracts (Leverage Contract): refers to the parties agree, one must pay the price of gold or the number of payments made to other parties with a certain credit limit granted, the two sides in the next specific period determined by the contract or delivery contract settled the difference was the agreement. Means agreed by the parties, a party must pay the price of gold or the number of payments made to other parties with a certain credit limit granted, the two sides in the next specific period determined by the contract or delivery contract settled the difference was the agreement.