Joint account
兩個人以上所共同開立的銀行或投資帳戶。有的共同帳戶必須經過所有帳戶擁有人簽字同意才能提領或交易;有的只要任一帳戶擁有人簽字即可。此外,共同帳戶通常都包括存者享有權 Rights of Survivorship,也就是任何一方過世後,存者有權接收死者所享有的權利。期貨交易帳戶通常以個人名義開立,但也可以二個人或以上的名義聯合開設一個帳戶,稱為聯合帳戶。
Two or more people jointly open a bank or investment account established. Some joint account must be signed by all account owners to withdraw consent or transaction; some as long as either the owner of the account can be signed. In addition, the joint account generally includes the right to survivors Rights of Survivorship, that is, after the death of either party, survivors entitled to receive the rights enjoyed by the dead. Futures trading account opened in the name usually individual, but can also be the name of two people or more to open a joint account, known as the Joint Account.