internal control
內部控管是要員工自我完善,了解工作要求,其基本原則有四:(1) 完整 complete每件事是否首尾兼顧,並無遺漏(2) 準確 accurate 每件事是否完美無瑕,全無錯誤(3) 授權 authorization 每件事是否充份授權,並無逾越(4) 準時 on time 每件事是否按時交差,並無延誤
Internal controls to employee self-improvement, to understand the job requirements, there are four basic principles: (1) whether a complete end to complete everything into account, the omission (2) accurate accurate everything is perfect and flawless, no error ( 3) authorization authorization everything whether sufficient authorization, not exceed (4) whether everything on time on time on time to cross, no delays