interest income
基金會保留某些比例的現款,以備基金面臨贖回的不時之需。這些現款存在銀行中,每隔一段時間,就會有利息收入。其他則而有些基金會進行定期存款、債券或貨幣市場工具的投資,利息收入就是主要的獲利來源。 借方向貸方就使用貸方的資金而支付的款項。公司就債券而向其債券持有人支付利息.
Foundation certain percentage of cash retained to prepare for a rainy day fund is facing redemption. These cash in the bank, from time to time, there will be interest income. Others and some foundations to invest in fixed deposits, bonds or money market instruments, interest income is the main source of profit. Direction by the lender and paid on the use of credit funds of funds. Company bonds and pay interest to its bondholders.